Project Manager

If you have directly landed here, and have questions about this whole “assignment” thing, you may read this first!

Now that you are settled, please find details for your assignment below.


Welcome! We appreciate your interest in the role, and time spent on the below. This exercise is intended to run asynchronously, and is not meant to exceed 4 hours. We understand that you likely have other current commitments, once you review the details of this exercise please reach out to let us know a healthy timeframe for you to complete it. Please note: the below is a scenario intended for this exercise and is not a common process at rtCamp.


For this exercise it is assumed that you are an rtCamp PM taking on a project that is already underway from another PM that needed to take unexpected leave. There was no time for a handover, so you must rely on the documentation provided to get up to speed and support the Client and Team for the delivery of this project.

Lower in this document you will see the below artifacts supporting this assignment:

  1. The project’s SOW
  2. The handover document Sales provided the PM at the onset of the project
  3. Summation of where the project is
  4. The current hours logged by the team
  5. Forecasted hours for the remainder of the project
  6. High level development details
  7. A weekly report template

Client Report

    • Read through the documentation provided, and put together a weekly report for the Client. If you have any questions while working through please reach out via email. 

Video Submission

    • Create a video presenting your report as though you were presenting to a client during a call (~2-3 minutes)
    • At the end of the presentation explain to the Client any areas you feel you can recommend for them to help them grow their business, or extend the project past its current phase  (~1-3 minutes)
    • Once you have addressed the above points, you can assume that the Client asks you a question regarding WordPress, “What are some of the reasons we should continue using WordPress for the next 10 years?” Please answer this question in your video  (~1-3 minutes)
    • Once all 3 of these points have been answered the video can conclude, and you can upload to your preferred location to share.
    • Note - total video time should not exceed 10 minutes

Submission Guidelines

  1. You have 7 days to complete this assignment, starting from the day you receive it. Late submissions, assignments with incomplete or incorrect responses will be disqualified.
  2. Each video can be up to 5 minutes.
  3. Please upload the videos in the submission link provided in the assignment email.
  4. The maximum file size of the video can be 50 MB and the accepted formats are mp4, mov, or avi.
  5. Ensure that both the audio and video are functioning correctly.

Have Questions?

We request you to read FAQ here.