Human Resources Intern

If you have directly landed here, and have questions about this whole “assignment” thing, you may read this first!

Now that you are settled, please find details for your assignment below.

Video Questionnaire

  1. Please describe your understanding of the Human Resources function and share what you find most appealing about it.
  2. Do you have experience with managing/coordinating any activity (e.g., workshop/conference/drive, etc)? If so, what were your roles and responsibilities?

Submission Guidelines

  1. You have 15 days to complete this assignment, starting from the day you receive it. Late submissions, assignments with incomplete or incorrect responses will be disqualified.
  2. The video can be up to 5 minutes.
  3. Please upload the video in the submission link provided in the assignment email.
  4. The maximum file size of the video can be 50 MB and the accepted formats are mp4, mov, or avi.
  5. Ensure that both the audio and video are functioning correctly.

Have Questions?

We request you to read FAQ here.